Monday, March 16, 2009

We May Not All Be Irish

.. But (with a little bit of luck) we can all be green.

In between the usual St. Patty's fair, let's all wear a sprig o' green in honor of a different cause: the greening of the eccnomy. Bottoms up!
Now I've got way too much blarney in me to serioslu advocate turning this beloved holiday (aka gnarly excuse to drink mid-week) into something it’s not: Earth Day 2.0. But I’ve also got enough consideration for roots of a different sort to find the happy color coincidence mightily compelling.

In this pivotal year bookended by Obama and the Copenhagen Conference on Climate Change, perhaps the annual day o’ green deserves a new progressive spin. By all means, preserve your St. Patty’s Day traditions in all their pub-crawling glory; I only ask that you recycle those solo cups, take public transportation to the parade, buy your cabbage and potatoes from a local source, and tomorrow, try living green instead of just wearing it. (It’s almost as good as being Irish.)

And while you and your mates are nursing your pint, you might give this blessing a try:

May the road to a green economy rise to meet you,

May the wind be always at the back of your turbines,

May the sun shine warm – but not too warm – upon your face

And may you be asleep an hour

Before melted glaciers sink your bed

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