Thursday, January 15, 2009

Can't Beat the Real Thing

Coke continues to explore sustainability: The company recently upgraded their Times Square billboard, now powered by wind energy. And though they aren’t the first-- Ricoh did it in July 2008-- Coca-Cola’s influence prompted 30 surrounding billboards to make the switch as well.

Coke's been in Time Square since 1932, so it is only fitting that they should be a change agent for this intersection of lights.

But Coke didn’t stop with their iconic billboard. Coke used this keystone event to officially launch its Live Positively campaign here in the US. Check out the website to learn more:

New communications have also launched to help support and drive traffic to the site.

I'm excited to see this campaign (successfully done by Ogilvy in many parts of the world) roll out over the next few weeks and months. Live Positively is a robust “green” branding effort and is very authentic to the brand. Keep it going, Coke. There's much more to do.

And the cola wars are far from over: Pepsi launched a massive new re-branding effort this month as well, (Refresh Everything), capitalizing on the Obama-driven mindset of Change. So it's "change" versus "green." Kinda the same thing. Let's see which does better at capturing the taste of America.

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